Thursday, January 9, 2020

Informational Text: Owls

Image result for owls gail gibbons

This book for young readers is all about Owls. Gail Gibbons wrote this book to inform readers about the bird and the many different types of Owls. She uses diagrams to show the different parts of the birds and shows the different types of Owls, comparing them by features and sizes. This book is full of beautiful drawings that will engage students as they read factual information about Owls. Students that love learning about animals would enjoy this book, as well as the average child as children seem to really like the animal.

I give this book 5 owls out of 5 owls (I realize that I have used owls before I thought it was only fitting, I have also realized how many books there are about owls for children.) I really enjoyed the drawings that were present on the pages and I really thought it was interesting to learn about the Animals. There were many facts that I didn't even know about the animal present in the book. I thought Gail Gibbons did a great job taking a topic that would attract children and making a book out of it.

Title: Owls
Author: Gail Gibbons
Publisher: Holiday House
Publication Date: March 1, 2006
ISBN: 978-0823420148
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  1. I remember this book from childhood. I think you gave a good description about the book, and how it describes the owls. I remember using this book in elementary school when we learned about owls. Thanks for your post.

  2. The Informational Texts of Gail Gibbons are a treasure trove for many teachers. I would be hard pressed to think of a topic that Gibbons has not written an Informational Text on for kids. Teachers can count on her texts to be interesting, well-researched, and packed full of details.
