Thursday, January 9, 2020

Graphic Novel: The Dork Diaries 1: Tales From a Not-So-Fabulous Life

Image of Dork Diaries 1: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life (1)

This is the first book in the "Dork Diaries" series. The series evolves around Nikki Maxwell and her life in middle school. In this first book Nikki is starting 8th grade at a new school and hasn't seemed to have made friends yet. I remember finding this book with my Best Friend at Barnes and Nobles when we were going into the ninth grade. We begged her mom to buy it for us and we shared it and read it so quick. I remember being excited to find this book, because I had read the Dairy of a Wimpy Kid series, but didn't relate to what was happening in those books as much as I did with this one. This current year, I had field in a fourth grade and watched as two girls read this series during their independent reading time. I could honestly just feed off of their excitement as they shared what they had read with one another. 

I give this book 3 stars out of 5 stars, the reason is because I honestly can not remember most of the text that was present in these books but I can remember many of the graphics in the book, and I can also remember some of the concepts from this book. I read this book more than five years ago and some of the concepts still stick with me. I also remember the excitement I had while I read this book. 

Title: The Dork Diaries 1: Tales From a Not-So-Fabulous Life
Author: Rachel Rene'e Russel
Publisher: Aladdin
Publication Date: June 2, 2009
ISBN: 978-1416980063
⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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