Thursday, January 9, 2020

Children's poem: Homework Machine

When I think about Poems for children, I instantly think about Shel Silverstein. When looking up Shel Silverstein poems, I found this one and I thought this one was so funny and that every child could relate to the fact of wanting a Homework Machine. Many children do not like doing their homework or often find it a waste of time and with a Homework Machine, so much time would be saved. Children will soon learn, as with every Shel Silverstein poem that everything doesn't come out the way you think it would. 

I give this poem 5  gears out of 5 gears, I found this poem so funny and I could just imagine children loving this poem as well. I thought it was great because it was a concept that children would love and not much thought had to be put into it to understand the message or concept. Title: Harry Potter and the 

Title: Homework Machine from A Light in the Attic 
Author: Shel Silverstein
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication Date: September 22, 2009
ISBN:  978-0061905858
⚙⚙⚙⚙⚙ out of ⚙⚙⚙⚙⚙


  1. Thanks for posting the actual poems. I really like both of them. I laughed at the Homework Machine. Every kid's fantasy. Beck

  2. Your statement "when I think of poetry for children I think of Shel Silverstein" is so true for me as well. He made a name for himself in this area. My husband can still recite from memory several of Silverstein's poems that spoke to him as a young child with dyslexia struggling to learn to read. The humor, silliness, word play, and distinct style of illustrations make Silverstein a classic.
