Saturday, January 4, 2020

Traditional Tale: Hercules and the Wagoner

Image result for Hercules and the Wagoneer
Hercules and the Wagoner is an Aesop fable which like many of these fables is very short. This one is about a paragraph long and is about a Wagoner that asks Hercules for help and is told that he must help himself. I had never heard of this fable before, and found it on a website that was full of different fairy tales and Aesop fables. 

I give this Aesop Fable two horses out of five horses. I have read a lot better fables before and I don't think that this one is a bit out of date. The message of helping yourself is still there, but many children wouldn't know what a wagoner was or understand the idea of praying to Greek Gods. But I did think this one was a bit different. 

Title: Hercules and the Wagoner
Author/Illustrator: Translator unknown
Publisher: Aesop
Publication Date: 1919
 🐴🐴 out of 🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴

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